We now have available the PIC-1(a) support files for programming Microchip's new 8-pin devices, the PIC12C5xx. This is a beta release, and the potential for bugs exists. Please report any problems that you have to bugs@itutech.com. You will need the latest version of MPASM to produce 12C5xx files. This can be downloaded from www.microchip.com. Our programming software for the 12C5xx supports embedded configuration bits and ID LOC bytes, so be sure to set these properly in your source code. The file can be downloaded via anonymous ftp at itutech.com. They are located in the support/pic-1 directory and named pic12c.zip. Thanks to everyone for their patience! Now get out there and put Microchip's 8-pin marvels to use! Chris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris B. Sakkas (chris@itutech.com) http://www.itutech.com ITU Technologies (info@itutech.com) ftp://itutech.com *** Complete Caller ID to PC Interface Kit only $39! *** *** Includes software w/source for DOS and Windows! *** *** VISA and MasterCard accepted (513) 574-7523 ***