Lifetime Opportunity wrote: > > To be removed - hit "reply" and type remove in subject of message. > > MARKETING WITH DIRECT EMAIL / BULK EMAIL SERVICES > > I operate a custom email service. From my experience, your typical > bulk email service just collects email addresses from any source they can rely > on shear > volume emailing to produce the desired results - the "shotgun" approach. I have > found that > by targeting emails to groups that would likely be specifically interested in > your product, the > response rate is much better than when using the "shotgun" approach AND you > don't tend > to annoy as many people (which is nice for both sides). By targeting emails, I > mean that I > collect the addresses myself from on-line areas (forums, newsgroups, etc.) so > that I mail to > people that are likely to be interested in my products based on their on-line > participation. > > FLOODGATE is the renegade technology that helps me do this. > > This is the same software that all bulk emailing services use! > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > Floodgate Bulk Email Loader for > Windows Version 5.02 now Supports 17 (really more with the free form filter) > File Formats > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > > SEND OUT 20,000+ MARKETING LETTERS EVERY SINGLE DAY! > > Or...every few days. In fact, when I send out just a few thousand > marketing letters each day, it doesn't take long before I'm completely swamped > with email > inquiries and phone calls. This is very easy to do. And each one of these bulk > mailings costs > me nothing. I can teach you how to do this and provide you with the tools you'll > need. > > If you've got a good marketing letter, I'll show you how to open the floodgates. > You'll be > deluged with inquiries, leads, and real sales, using nothing but email alone. > > Writing a good marketing letter is not easy. I often have to rewrite my > marketing letters a half > dozen times before I get the results I'm looking for. But once you have a good > letter, as you > probably know, you can use the same letter over and over again, predictably and > consistently, closing sales, week after week, month after month. > > It takes me about one hour to send my marketing letter to 20,000 fresh email > addresses. I can > do this, thanks to a Windows program I use. It's called Floodgate. It's a bulk > email loader. If > you're interested in electronic marketing, you should know about this program. > > THE PROGRAM: FLOODGATE FOR WINDOWS > > The Floodgate Bulk Email Loader imports simple text files that anyone can > download from > CompuServe, Prodigy, Delphi Genie, or the Internet. These text files contain > classified ads, > forum messages, or data from the member directory. Each of these files is filled > with email > addresses. > > Floodgate is designed to read these files and strip out the email > addresses. It then sorts the addresses, removes any duplicates, and > formats them into an output file, with 10, 20 or 30 addresses per > line. This is all done in one simple step. Just point and click. > > You'll need either a Windows based Internet account or an America > On-line account to send out your marketing letters. Neither AOL nor > the Internet charges to send email. Send your letter to 1,000 people or 10,000 > people -- the > cost is always the same. NOTHING! > > NEW! PREPARE A MAILING OF 50,000+ IN LESS THAN A 1/2 HOUR > > If you open an Internet account, you can send each letter to 2,000+ > people. The new Floodgate now directly writes distribution lists. Some people > are always > collecting new addresses, but if you publish a newsletter or adsheet, you'll be > using the same > addresses over and over again. That's real power! When using addresses you've > previously > collected, you can press a few buttons and prepare a mailing of 50,000+ in less > than a half > hour. > > (To get a list of all the Internet access providers in your local > calling area goto: and click on your area code.) > > The Floodgate Users Guide will teach you, step by step, how to > download the right files, how to strip the addresses, and finally, how to cut > and paste the > formatted addresses into your marketing letter. Or, if you have an Internet > account, how to > create distribution lists. One you've done this a few times you won't even have > to think. It's > that simple! > > FOR THE BRAVE & DARING: PUSHING TECHNOLOGY TO ITS LIMITS > > As you may know, the practice of sending unsolicited email is usually frowned > upon, and > most service providers have rules against it. But,like jay-walking, there is > little enforcement. > It's not illegal. If someone tells you that it is, ask them to provide the > citation (and don't let > them give you some nonsense about faxes - that's not email). They can't do it > because it's > not there. Sometimes, when a lot of people complain, I get a warning letter. And > that's about > it. > > About 1 in 200 will write back and tell me, "take me off the list", > which I can do, thanks to Floodgates Remove List feature. Many people reply back > thanking > me for sending them my informative letter. That's always nice. Most people > though, just reply > and say, "send me more info." In this way, it usually takes me two or three > letters to close a > sale. > > The Floodgate Users Guide will provide you with proven formats for > writing a successful marketing letter. You'll test and rewrite, test and > rewrite. Then, once > you've got it, just push a few buttons, and open the floodgates!!! > > THE FLOODGATE BULK EMAIL LOADER CURRENTLY SUPPORTS 15+ FILE FORMATS > > 1. CompuServe Classifieds: Send your marketing letter to everyone who is running > a > classified ad. I'll teach you how to download all the classifieds from any > single ad category. > This is one of the most responsive list of buyers. They check their email every > day and they're > already in business. > > 2. America On-line Classifieds: Download 1,000 addresses in 15 > minutes. These are excellent lists for business to business sales. > > 3. CompuServe Forums: You can join a forum and download hundreds of > forum messages in a matter of minutes. > > 4. America On-line Forums: Choose from dozens of forums. All good > targeted lists. > > 5. Prodigy Forums: Prodigy allows you to easily export any group of > forum messages. More targeted lists. > > 6. Internet Newsgroups: These are all targeted lists. You'll be able to send > your marketing > letter to everyone who posts a message in any newsgroup. Easily collect 1,000's > of > addresses per hour. > > 7. America On-line Member Directory: Most member directories only > allow you to search by city and state. With AOL, you can search by > business type, hobbies, computer type, etc. This is the gem of all > member directories. Build huge targeted lists. > > 8. CompuServe Member Directory: This is a major resource. If you're > willing to target your mailing to a single city, you can collect about 1,000 > email addresses an > hour. > > 9. Delphi Member Directory: The Delphi member directory allows you to search for > people > based on key words. These are good targeted mailing lists. A single search can > easily > generate 5,000 addresses. > > 10. Genie Member Directory: Similar to the CompuServe member > directory, only you can download names much quicker. You can easily > pull hundreds of thousands of addresses out of each of these member > directories. > > 11. CompuServe File Cabinet: If you run classified ads, and save the responses > in the CIM > file cabinet, you'll be able to easily reuse these addresses. You can send your > marketing letter > to everyone in any single folder. Build master lists and clean UP your hard > drive. > > 12. Free Form: If you have a text file with email addresses that > floodgate does not support, chances are the Free Form filter will be just what > you need. Just > enter a key word to search for. > > 13. CompuServe Form Profiles (Forum Membership Directories): Easy to build > targeted lists > here. Each search can easily bring you 500+ > addresses. > > 14. Genie Profiles: If you're building targeted lists, you'll get a > lot of addresses very quickly from Genie. > > 15. Plain Addresses: Read Floodgate Master Files back into Floodgate to merge > files and do > selective mailings. Also useful for the management of email address lists that > you might > purchase. > > Floodgate also has filters to allow you to include or exclude any > groups of addresses in your final distribution lists. For example, you could > include only email > addresses that ended in .com or exclude all with .gov. You could exclude all > noc, root, and > other addresses that almost guarantee a negative response. These filters are > fully > configurable and can be used together. > > BUILD REUSABLE MASTER FILES > > Floodgate maintains Master Files for each of your marketing letters. If you > download from the > same place on a regular basis, you only want to send your letter to the new > people. > Floodgate will compare the new addresses with those in the Master File, and > prepare a > mailing list of only new people. The new addresses are, of course, then added to > the Master > File. With each new mailing your Master File grows and grows. > > You may create as many Master Lists as you need. When you start a new marketing > campaign, you'll want to send your new letter to everyone on your Master List. > If you write a > newsletter, each time you send your newsletter, you'll send it to everyone on a > Master List. > > THE REMOVE LIST > > Very often, people will reply and tell you to take them off your > mailing list. Place these addresses in the REMOVE.MST file and they > will never receive another letter from you again. In this way, you > will be operating your business with the most professionalism > possible. > > DON'T BE FOOLED > > We have some new competitors that have tried to copy Floodgate. The > following list describes why Floodgate is BETTER....... > > **Floodgate is a mature, bug free product. Not an initial release. > **Floodgate comes with over 100 pages of step by step documentation. > **Floodgate is the only one offering a money back guarantee. > **Floodgate has more testimonials. **Filter for filter, Floodgate > offers more capabilities, way more. **Floodgate does everything all > the others *combined* claim. **Floodgate is by far the easiest to use. > **There is NO *cutting and pasting* with Floodgate. **We have by far, the best > technical > support. > > SOME QUICK MATH > > Floodgate can pay for itself in a few days. It can also cut your > advertising costs down to almost nothing. Think of what the > competition will do when they get their Floodgate program. Don't be > left in the dust - there are 75 million people out there, just a few keystrokes > away. Let's do the > math: > > - Email 50,000 sales letters (takes about 1-2 hours) > - Let's say your product will bring you $5 profit per sale. > - Let's also say you only get a 1% response (occasionally higher). > > * That's 500 orders x $5 = $2,500 profit !! Now imagine what 500,000 letters > would do for > your business !! > > WHAT CAN I MARKET ON-LINE? > > You can market anything on-line using direct email, that can be > marketed using conventional postal direct mail marketing. The > possibilities are practically endless. If it sells off-line, you can sell it > on-line. > > EASY TO INSTALL AND EASY TO LEARN > > The Floodgate Email Loader requires Windows. The docs tell you where to go, what > to do, > and how to do it. All you need are basic computer skills that can be learned > with a little > practice or help from computer savvy friends. > > Floodgate has previously sold for as much as $2,499! The complete > package is now available for just $499.95, postpaid. If you order > within 72 hours, it can be your for only $349.95!! (Must be verified on out > autoresponder log, > by received email time stamp, fax time stamp, or voice message time stamp). > These orders will > also receive lifetime technical support and FREE OVERNIGHT SHIPPING (once your > check > has cleared the bank). > > Some say Floodgate is expensive. Compared to direct mail, where you > pay for mailing lists, printing and postage, Floodgate is a bargain. For the > cost of one > traditional mailing, you'll own a Floodgate license and never again pay for > lists, printing or > postage. Those who know direct mail will agree, "Floodgate is the best > advertising value on > the Internet today!" > > MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: Try the Floodgate Bulk Email Loader for 10 days. Do a test > mailing. If you're not delighted, return the package for a full refund. > > All Floodgate users receive unlimited technical and business support for 30 > days, (and if you > don't take up a lot of my time, for a lot longer.) To order the FLOODGATE Bulk > Email Loader, > send your check or money order for $349.95 within 72 hours from receiving this > email letter > to: > > WebAware > P.O. Box 772261 > Coral Springs, FL 33077 > (954) 341-2924 > > > You can receive a functional demo version of Floodgate by > simply replying back to us with the word "Floodgate" in the > subject portion of your email message. > > SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS > > 386 or larger > Windows 3.1+ with at least 4 meg ram or Windows 95 with 8 meg ram > Extra 5 MB hard drive space > > Floodgate can be run on a fast Mac with 24 MB RAM and SoftWindows. > > NOTES FROM FLOODGATE USERS > > "It is everything you said it was. Within one week of my first > mailing, I received a record number of orders. All you need to print money is a > decent sales > letter. Thanks." Randy albertson, Wolverine Capital. > > "After using Floodgate and your utility program all day today, let me say these > are as two of > the finest programs I have ever bought in my 52 years! Your support has been > superb. Thank > You!" Vernon Hale, Prime Data Systems > > "My first day and I just used Floodgate and Pegasus to send 1,469 > sales letters. So far I've got about 25 positive responses. It works GREAT!!! > Thanks." Donald > Prior > > "Floodgate is awesome!. I recently started a new business on-line. I stripped > the addresses of > the AOL & CIS classifieds. I sent out 3,497 email letters and got over 400 > people to join my > company in 5 days! Needless to say, it pays for itself." David Sheeham, OMPD > > "I was able to use Floodgate to extract the names from the Internet > news groups. It works perfectly. Needless to say, I am very excited > about the use of this new technology." Mark Eberra, Inside Connections > > "This is a great piece of software and an invaluable marketing tool." > Joe Kuhn, The Millennium Group > > "I just thought you'd like to know that this program is fantastic. > After loading it on my system, I wanted to test it out. In my first > hour of using this, I collected 6,092 email addresses!" Richard Kahn, LD > Communications > > "I just love the Floodgate program. It saves me hours and hours of > time. This is the beginning of a wonderful FUN time marketing on-line. Thank you > so much for > writing this program." Beth O'Neill, Eudora, KS > > "Your software is brilliant, and from the technical support I've > received, I can see you have a genuine love and respect of > people...Floodgate is a divine package. Wish I had found it sooner." > Tom Sanders, Peoria, IL > > "I really like the way the Floodgate software package works. It is > very easy to use, and really does the trick. It has already saved me an > incredible amount of > time and energy." John Berning, Jr., > Fairfield, NJ > > "It's going great with FLOODGATE! I like using Delphi. I just > collected 50,000+ addresses within 20 minutes on-line." Richard Kahn, R&B > Associates > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > FLOODGATE ORDER FORM: > > Please print out this order form and then fill in the blanks...... > > ______Yes! I would like to try your cutting-edge software so that I > can advertise my business to thousands of people on-line whenever I > like! I understand that I have 10 days to trial the software. If I am not fully > delighted, I will > cheerfully be refunded the purchase price, no questions asked! Please rush me > the > FLOODGATE package now! > > ______I am ordering within 72 hours! That qualifies me to receive the FLOODGATE > package > at a substantial discount! I am ordering the > software for only $349.95. (Save $150 off the retail price....Software has sold > for as much as > $2,499.95) > > ______I am ordering within 72 hours! That qualifies me to receive free lifetime > technical > support. > > ______I am ordering within 72 hours and I want FREE overnight shipping! > > YOUR NAME_________________________________________________________ > > COMPANY NAME_____________________________________________________ > > YOUR POSITION______________________________________________________ > > STREET ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ > > CITY, STATE, ZIP______________________________________________________ > > PHONE NUMBERS______________________________________________________ > > FAX NUMBERS_________________________________________________________ > > EMAIL ADDRESSES_____________________________________________________ > > We accept Checks or Money Orders by mail. > > I agree to pay WebAware an additional $27 fee if my check is returned for > insufficient or > uncollectable funds. > > SIGNATURE: X_________________________________DATE:__________________ > > Please send all order forms and check or money order to: > > Dave Mustachi > WebAware > P.O. Box 772261 > Coral Springs, FL 33077 > (954) 341-2924 > > ************************************************************ > > OR: > > PLEASE PASTE YOUR CHECK HERE > > (If you fax a check, there is no need for you to send the original > check by mail. We will draft up a new check, with the exact > information from your original check that you faxed to us) > > Please fax the above order form and check to: 1-954-255-3713. REMOVE