At 8:21 PM -0800 1/23/97, peter cousens wrote: >Great response >Would like to add that as in Jan's case it often happens >that the company says "sorry send it back and we will refund you" >perhaps somebody (Bob or Craig maybe) will jump in and work out >the real cost incured >ie: waiting for delivery(6 weeks) >and the time after delivery >desperatly trying obtain info/work it out yourself (4 weeks ) Peter, There are risks in everything. "the real cost incurred" is your risk in dealing with another company. What you want is a large company to help you make your risk a little smaller. Well the larger the company, the less likely they will help to minimize your risk. > >Compare this cost to the profit that the company >stood to make on this one sale(maybe 70 dollars in this >case,in most case's less than a dollar ) Great, you made my point. Why allocate resources for a single dollar? If you convinced a company to help you, your really convincing them to take a risk on your company's ability to design, manufacture, and sell your products. That's a great risk for any company, large or small. >!#*&^%$£!**$$()! >An apology just does'nt come close, blood seems more >apropriate, lots of it >Peter ok. craig