re. Rockwell's shortcoming Jan I don't understand why you apologize for this message It is important to know that the Companys we buy from make availible enough information for us to use the product, that it does its job and that it is what we were led to believe it was If they don't, then others should be warned How else will we know what programers to buy, what developement systems to use and that F is the sixth letter in the alphabet (as in PIC16F**) In my opinion this sort of feedback should be encouraged -- Peter Cousens email: snailmail: Peter Cousens, karteros, Heraklion, Crete, 75100, Greece, phone: + 3081 380534, +3081 324450 voice/fax After Bill Gates announced to the world that he was Microsoft, his wife was asked to comment. She said that as his wife, she had been the first to notice this problem