I have been trying to get the MPLAB pass counter to work, finally called Microchip. John gave me the following information: The pass counter only works in emulation mode, will not work in SIM mode (software only). (Note in SIM mode it acts as an elapsed timer, i.e. time (actually steps) from start). Also changing from step to time cannot be done. Both of these functions work in MPSIM but were not carried forward into MPLAB. In future version time and step will be done away with. Everything will be in cycles one or two cycles per instruction. Step was confusing on actual time usage due to goto's, etc. Steve ------------------------------------- E-mail: sdavidson@its.bldrdoc.gov Steven Davidson Dept. of Comm. NTIA-ITS.N2 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 W 303-497-3411 FAX 5995 -------------------------------------