Brooke wrote:

> H. P. Friedrichs wrote:
> ...
> > specifically using its built-in uart.........
> > If the com error is an overrun, the code cycles and seems to recover ok. If
> > the error is a framing error, however, it ends up going into and endless
> > loop, as though FERR can't be reset or something......
> cut---------

> The manual says regarding RCSTA,FERR "Can be updated by reading RCREG
> register and receive next valid byte".  I talked with the factory
> about this and they said that once you have a framing error the USART
> gets out of sync.  To get back into sync you need at least one byte's
> worth
> of stop bit. Only then will the next start bit be recognized

If I can jump in. Is this true? I am planing a project that will use a 16C65 USART with RS422 interface. The data recieved  has a continus stream of characters, so the longest time that I ever get a stop is 2 bit times (1 start, 8 data, no paraty, 2 stopbits). For my device to work it is necessary for the data to be pluged in while the data source is transmitting. If what you say is true then there is no way that I could ever ger the USART to sync with a data character. Do I understand you?
Dennis Long
p.s. I have copied this message to microchip.