Dear PIC.ers, This is a little off-topic, but I think it will be of interest to a lot of us, if only for reference. .. A client of mine wants to chart the progress of a laboratory stress/strain test, for materials QA purposes. Initially, he thought an analogue X/Y plotter would be appropriate, till he found what that would cost these days. Obsolete approach, etc. Sensibly, he now opts to use a redundant PC (XT or AT) and the 8-bit analogue game port available on many cheap combo cards. I agreed whole-heartedly with him, and have elected to wire up his transducers, head amps., etc., and program the whole shooting match. .. Problem: I'm darned if I can find technical data on these ports, in my shelf literature, or on the 'net. There's no shortage of vendors for them, just a lack of those that will give you enough data on how to use them for anything other than pluggin' them in to run games & the like. I don't know what speed they run at, what signal input ranges they work over, software register sets, or anything useful for that matter. Indeed, I am the ignorant one today. Has anyone got a handy site that can answer this type of query? .. BTW, I do use PICs, for other things - just can't seem to find a way to shoehorn them into this job. John S. email from John Sanderson / JS Controls, Boksburg, RSA Manufacturer & purveyor of laboratory force testing apparatus and related products and services. Tel/fax: Johannesburg 893 4154 Cellphone 082 453 4815