Jim Johnson wrote: > >Following is part of my code, and I am getting an 'Argument out of Range. >Lease significant bits used' error message upon building it. > clrf PIE1 <----------- Error. > clrf PIE2 <----------- Error. > clrf T1CON <----------- Error. > goto initialize Jim, First of all, I suggest you get some current documentation and an up to date copy of MPASM or, better yet, MPLAB. There will be a more appropriate include file such as p16c74.inc. PIE1 and PIE2 are in the upper ram page adn the page bit needs to be set to access these two registers. This will not, however, suppress the warning message. Try this: clrf PIE1 ^ h'7f' clrf PIE2 ^ h'7f' Are you sure you are getting a warning on the T1CON line? This register is at address h'10' in the lower ram page and should not produce an assembler warning. -- Bob Fehrenbach Wauwatosa, WI bfehrenb@execpc.com