I wrote: > > Arrays of bits (and/or pointers to bits) are VERY commonly used > > in PIC applications and James Musselman replied: > As long as we are all PICking this apart- How do you know this? James: I know they're common from seeing their use in my own code, in code written by others, and in questions posted to the PICLIST. Personally, as I mentioned in my last public message to Clyde Smith-Stubbs, I use them often enough that I've written a set of MPASM macros to read, set, reset, toggle, and copy the states of arbitrary bits in large bit-arrays. An example macro invocation looks like: SETBIT FLAGS,BITPOINTER where FLAGS is the name of the register where the array of bits starts, and BITPOINTER is the name of the register which points to the bit you want to set. -Andy Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499