Clyde Smith-Stubbs wrote: > Sorry Andy, I just have to butt in here about a couple of things - > I've got no real experience with CCS's products, but these things > need rebuttal .... You cannot define new preprocessor directives > under ANSI C. Clyde: Thanks for the info... I didn't know that. > > int main (int a) > > { > > return main(a); > > } > > > > fails to compile, with a "recursion not permitted" error. > > Non-ANSI, yes, but it is architecturally impossible to implement > recursion in any reasonable manner on a PIC, owing to its lack of > anything closely resembling a stack. I didn't say it would be easy, or even that I like using recursive functions (I don't). This was simply one in a series of rebuttals to the claim that the CCS compilers are "full C". > BTW Andy, when discussing ANSI C it is better to reference the ANSI > standard rather then K&R, which has a few errors. True... But K&R's all I have. > I'd also remind you that ANSI permits a free-standing > implementation some latitude in certain features compared to a > hosted implementation of C. I'm not sure how the issue became "ANSI C" compatibility. Mark didn't claim that his compiler was ANSI-compliant, and I wouldn't hold any embedded-C compiler to that standard, anyway... Although I mentioned ANSI once in my last nessage, what I was really trying to discuss was whether the compiler was compliant with the (admittedly less formal) definition of a "full" C compiler. We each may have our own ideas of what constitutes "full C" for a small embedded processor. Rather than nitpicking about features like floats, pointers to functions, etc., I tried to choose features and operations that are likely to be used in a small PIC application. I admit that the cross-referenced #defines that crash the compiler, and the preprocessor-directive redefinition that you mentioned above, were somehwat contrived. I think the rest of my examples, though, were pretty realistic. > Your comment about lack of pointers to single bits is off the mark - > since there's no bit pointer type supported by the hardware and to > implement it in software would be horrendously inefficient, it's > best left out (and since single-bit variables are not an ANSI > feature, that's not an issue). Again, I didn't mean for the issue to be ANSI compliance. Arrays of bits (and/or pointers to bits) are VERY commonly used in PIC applications; a compiler that supports single-bit variables should also support arrays of, or pointers to, those variables. Besides, 16-bit variables aren't directly supported by the hardware, either, but the CCS compilers manage (more or less) to support THEM. > I have no comment to make on the other problems you found except to > say that if accurate, they need attention. They're accurate when compiled with the version of PCM (2.2.04) that I used for my tests. I'm aware that there are newer versions of the CCS compiler... I suspect that some of the issues I raised have been addressed in those later versions. Nevertheless, the fact that I was able to find those bugs so quickly implies -- as everyone who's done any formal software testing knows -- that there are many more bugs waiting to be found. I hope no one (including Mark Siegesmund at CCS) takes my comments the wrong way... I have no doubt that PCM (even with the shortcomings I mentioned) is suitable for many PIC applications, and I certainly have no personal ax to grind with CCS. -Andy Andrew Warren - Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California