> Think one who wanted to save money on long distance phone calls > with his cellular could call a close by voice phone number, then have the > voice phoner person call wherever the cellular person wanted and > connect the people by three-way calling? Anyway to automate this by > replacing the voice-phone person with a pic thing or switch? Yes, there is, but why bother? You won't save any money. You either pay long distance on the cell phone or on the landline, and you pay cellular airtime either way. To keep things technical, yes it is possible to build a device like that. Have the PIC pick up the phone after a few rings (you'd need to buy a telephone interface chip), listen to the touchtones from the incoming call (you'd need a DTMF decoder), click the phone line for a certain period of time, wait for a dial tone, wait for a ring, and then click back over to three way calling. No problem! The hard part would be verifying that both voice parties did in fact get connected to each other. -Matt