>For example: How would you detect that the rear end of a car has > started to slide sideways (on ice) ? The front wheels are still > pointed forward (you have not started to turn the wheel to > compensate). There are no walls around to bounce a signal off of. > Assume you have your breaks locked up and therefore cannot use > comparison of wheel velocities. Assume also, that you cannot attach > any sensors to the ground, wheels or be manually activated. Remember > that most movement sensors would not be able to tell the difference > between laterally sliding on ice and a sharp turn. An optical sensor > would detect ice but not that your sliding on it. > >How would you do it?? > >Gene Accelerometer Gyroscope Fibre optic loop Anybody care to add the 'etc' And you'd need a processor to keep track of:- 1. Change in direction 2. Rate of change of direction And it would need an appropriate decision mechanism, a model of the vehicle's mass/speed etc would be a realistic starting point. Rgds Mike Socrates once gave the advice to "by all means get married... If you get a good wife you will become happy, if you get a bad one you will become a philosopher." Become an Engineer and avoid making this problematic decision.