I know of another course - Napier University in Edinburgh run it. I was lucky enough to take part in it as part of the Engineering Education Scheme Scotland. I still have two years to go at school. If you want more info contact Frank Greig in the electronics department (sorry I don't have the number). I can also tell you that in a few years time the PIC will be used in Higher and Higher still courses in Scotland. I am helping in the organisation. Great to hear from you Tim >I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who knows of another >university course covering the PIC. There will be only two >supervised labs - so we're keeping the projects very simple. But the >great thing about the PIC is the low cost of development - so that >students can buy their experimental boards for just a few U.K pounds. >If you've heard of anything similar please let me know. > >And, finally, I'd love to hear from other females too. > >Kind regards >Sandra >