I am having trouble converting some MeLabs PBasic compiler programs to CCS C. I am trying to send Rs-232 out on one of the pins. The following Pbasic code works fine: senddata: serout 2,N9600,85,85,255,255,1,("abcdefgh") sleep 2 goto senddate Pin 2 remains low except when sending the data. However, the following ccs c code: #include <16c84.h> #use delay(clock=4000000) #use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_B2, rcv=PIN_B3) void senddata() { putc(85); putc(85); putc(255); putc(255); putc(1); puts("abcdefgh"); } void main() { while (1) { senddata(); delay_ms(2000); } } does not seem to work. In addition, pin B2 remains high except when sending data, which I don't want. I can't seem to figure out what the problem is, and CCS has not helped me. If anyone can shed any light, I would be most appreciative. Are there any tricks I may be missing here? Why does the Pin stay high all of the time?