I have no objections either way as I currently read and post to several newsgroups, however... for those that either don't currently read usenet news, or don't post much, there is currently a rapidly growing and rather annoying problem. There are net-marketting individuals that download usenet headers and use the e-mail addresses from that to send out their garbage. I currently recieve 10-15 UCE's (Unsolicited Commercial E-mails) a day, and it seems to be gradually getting worse. If you do make a newsgroup I would really recommend not gating the list to it as the list insulates many from this spam. Of course, if you are an occasional reader of the list the volume is rather heavy and is almost as good as a spam. However, when was the last time you read about CD-R prices on the piclist? When was the last time someone tried to start a flamewar? Roger