At 01:16 PM 1/1/97 -0700, you wrote: >Hello all, > >Has anyone looked into using the iButton cans ( from Dallas >Semi? They use a 1-wire interface which probably would work with a PIC, >though there may be some issues dealing with the 115kbit/sec transfer rate. >These things seem like a great application of the PIC, which could provide >a gateway to real-world elements using the DS1990 as an authentication >tool. Am I totally wrong here? Sorry, I've been lurking in this group for a >while, and haven't made the leap from Stamps to PICs, so I'm not really >familiar with the throughput possible with an entry-level PIC. > >Thanks, > Nathan Nathan, As plenty of other people on the list have stated, hooking a DS1990 to a pic really is not all that hard to do. I did a digital 'lock' using a 16c54 that worked just fine. I would however like to see some of the dallas/pic crc routines because I just faked it. As for the 115kbit/sec specification, that's a bit misleading. The basic time slot period can be anything from 60us to 120us. I believe the 115kbit transfer rate comes from the Dalles Semiconductor software/hardware trick of using the IBM serial port to generate the 1-wire protocol. hope this helps.... carl