>This sounds to me like it is both impossible and stupid trying it but I have >heard that the plastic cases on prom PICs are only opaque to uv and the >devices can still be erased with longer erase times. I don't believe it but >if it were true it would save a lot of development costs buying windowed >ceramic devices. > >Comments on this would be nice > Tim I hear that low level X-rays can erase these devices, period of times unknown and resulting reliability unknown. I understand there is a company in USA that does this with the 68HC705C8 ? - Any body comment here ? I suppose it wouldn't be too difficult to set up a verify program to repetitively read back the EPROM whilst it was under 'radiation' - the important thing would be to do it safely - if at all ! I wonder if an old monitor, with the EHT turned up might do it ? Rgds Mike There is no a'priori reason that the ultimate truth will be interesting or even useful, those moments of frustration during philosophical debate would be replaced by the sheer terror which accompanies true knowledge.