Well after reading every ones replies, I figured I just needed MORE VOLTAGE! So I cranked up my power supply until I saw 220mA. I must admit that I (also?) use a "lab" CCCV power supply for charging random NiCads. So for "only" about $200 or so, I have a supply that will charge just about anything at the C/10 rate, and I can manually fiddle with it to provide a higher start current, as well as charge up big caps or use extra-high currents for burning off the shorts in "dead" nicads... With nicads being "hazardous waste", and good sized business is a fine source of "dead" nicad battery packs (via recylce containers) where the usual failure mode is a single bad cell (that was overly "reverse charged") rip 'em apart for a swell source of "mostly ok" nicad cells... I'd really like to build a nice gadget with microprocessor and A/D converter and a couple of small adjustable current power supplies. You'd plug in a bunch of cells, and over the next 24 hours or so it would figure out which ones were OK, which ones were dead, and approximately what the AH rating of each cell was. Seems like a lot of effort and expense to aid dumpster diving. BillW