Folks, Hopefully we haven't just recently covered this topic but here goes. I'm having problems using the timer 1 counter on a '73. When I drive the input from a nice square wave everything works fine. However I really need to count pulses via an I/O module (like a IAC or IDC). These devices have an open collector output which produces a slow rise time pulse edge when the transistor turns off. Normally this isn't a problem if you run this signal into a schmitt trigger. Fortunately the timer 1's counter circuitry includes a schmitt trigger. Here's the problem, I send my PIC ten pulses at 1 pulse/sec through the IAC module and count about 400 pulses. On the scope, the counter signal looks fine with a somewhat nice rise time (definately not oscillating or noisy). So my question are, does the '73 timer1 counter have schmitt triggers on the input? is there a minimum rise time requirement for the counter? (not that it needs one if the schmitt trigger actually works) Just counting pulses like mad, craig