Hi all! I've been lurking and listening for a while, taking in my daily digest, and decided it was time to jump in. I'm just completing a PIC device that I plan to sell in kit form to ham radio operators and other interested parties. It is a hidden radio transmitter controller. It is connected to the mic and ear jacks on a radio transceiver, can be controlled via DTMF tones and will key up the radio, and send tones and Morse Code at programmed intervals. I have a web page available which includes a schematic, for those interested in how I interfaced the PIC 16F84 to the radio. http://www.kvoa.com/byon/piccon/ I built a David Tait programmer about a year ago, and after discovering a stupid mistake that I made, the thing has been working great. I also use David's PP.EXE programming software and am very happy with the setup. It's a very inexpensive solution! I edit my code in a DOS or Windows text editor, and the assemble with Microchip's MPASM.EXE and then download the code into my prototype ( I really like in-circuit programming. ) I currently have 1 instruction of 1024 left, pretty full! To all the frequest posters, Thanks for all the good advice over the past year. I hope to post more as my experience grows, or as I see more questions in my area (Ham radio, T-hunting, etc.) Happy New Year, Byon ______________________________________ Byon Garrabrant N6BG byon@netcom.com