This past Friday night, I tried for the first time to program and implement a PIC. To my great surprise, I had a 16C84 blinking a LED inside of 3 hours. I had several blinking patters inside another 30 minutes, and I was reading bits from a port in another hour. All in all I was astounded at how well things went... Now that I have gotten tired of blinking lights, I am on to bigger and better things... I am thinking A/D... so... 1) What is the best A/D to use with a C84? (8 to 12 bit, 1 to 8 channel, serial, minimal external component count) I know there are a lot of different answers to this. That is what I am hoping for... Please reply to me directly... I don't want to clutter the list with what I am sure is an old, tired thread. 2) I am using Hi-Tech's beta C compiler. How can I add in or link ASM routines? (Such as routines to clock in a word from an A/D if C routines are not available). I do not wish reinvint the wheel unless I have to... Thank you for your time, Dave Covert