Hi Zach, >I recently bought four new C size ni-cad batteries (1.2V 2200Ah). I >wired >them up in series (making 4.8V). I read on the side of the battery >"Charge >for 15 hours at 220mA." Now here is my question- what is an easy way >to >keep the current at 220mA. Sure, you could put a 21ohm resistor in >series I like to use a light bulb. When the bulb dosn't glow the battery is charged. A five volt bulb might work nicely. >with the pack, that is if the battery pack had no internal resistance. > But >the amount of current drawn by the pack changes depending on how >charged it >is. Am I worrying to much about details? Yes, You are only in danger of ruining the battery with too much current. >Well, here is why I ask. I charged this pack up over 15 hours, and >then >connected my pic. The pic ran for about 5 minutes and then stopped. >Voltage on the batteries was 4.1V and falling. I measured the >current >drawn by the pic circuit. It was only pulling about 60mA. Why didn't >the >batteries last MUCH longer?!? > Good question, sounds like ether the pack was not suffintly charged or you do have a problem. Carl