Hello everyone, I am new in this group and I welcome myself! I have 4 questions: 1- Have you ever damaged a PIC 16C56 by just changing the fuse setting, from XT to RC? 2- How did/could you damage your PIC? 3- Watchdog: what internal/external factors can cause a PIC to go on bad sequence of code and/or conclude on a watchdog instruction. What is the chance after years of running? 4- External EEPROM chip: I have a routine waiting for proper data transfer from PIC16C56 to external serial eeprom. The routine RDYCHK was taken from the Microchip 1992 book, section 4, "interfacing PIC with serial EEPROMS( AN530B)", p 4-27. This routine will read the EEPROM READY/BUSY status and wait for RDY status within the alloted number of processor cycles. If RDY status is not present after this set period, the routine will return an error status and on p 3-31, the error status code go to an endless "errloop goto errloop". What do you usually do with this kind of error status? After years of running, is this error going to happen?