Hello, Bob: I don't understand your problem. If you like, re-send me a full explanation and, if I can, I will reply what I think. I hope that will help. ---------- De: Bob Joe[SMTP:liukb@KIRK.NORTHERNC.ON.CA] Enviado: viernes 27 de diciembre de 1996 22:55 Para: Multiple recipients of list PICLIST Asunto: converting a pic16c71,84,64,74 programmer to program pic 16c54s. I bought a pic16c71,74,84,64 programmer and wish to use it to program pic 16c54s. I am using Fred Eady's programmer (kit information in Sept/Oct Microcomputer Journal) with revised code from Shane Anderson. I am including both the .c program and .asm program for the onboard chip. If anyone can help, please email me at liukb@kirk.northernc.on.ca because this newserver loses messages. Thanks! ---------------------------- Thanks for all - Mil gracias ---------------------------- Eduardo Jorge Mart’nez VŽlez a Asesoria & & s Sistematizacion INET: ejmv@satlink.com 73070.3653@compuserve.com CServe: 73070,3653 2000-Rosario-SF-Argentina TelFax: (54)(41)254561 Tel: (54)(41)8804 ----------------------------