I hadn't seen any reviews on this yet so I thought I'd comment on this for anybody interested. I downloaded and installed the Phoenix firmware that replaces the Microchip firmware on the PicStart 16B1 programmer. While it is still in a beta release, I'm impressed with the cabability that Jim and his organazation has done with it. While it's still rough around the edges as far as the user interface, it goes far beyond what the original firmware did. I've tried most of the 16C6X and 16C7X family on it as well as the 16C84.. Whoops, I guess that's the 16F84 now... and all parts appears to program and verify fine. Give it a look if you need everything a 16B1 and 16C1 wanted to be for Christmas.... and didn't want to shell out for a PicStart Plus. http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~newfound/