>There is the unelegant solution of counting how many instructions you want >to jump, and use GOTO $+7, if you need to jump forward 7 instructions. Actually, I don't consider the "unelegant solution" that bad in this case. I find it confusing have multiple copies of the same label in code. The idea solution would be for the assembler to put a unique code (ie number) at the end of each local label, so that this wouldn't be a problem (the old Microsoft i86 assemblers used to do that and it made life a lot easier). myke Today, the commercial sector is advancing computer and communication technology at a breakneck pace. In 1992, optical fiber was being installed within the continental U.S. at rates approaching the speed of sound (if computed as total miles of fiber divided by the number of seconds in the year). Aviation Week and Space Technology, October 28, 1996