Mike: Here's a sampling of PHILIPS parts from 1992 IIC peripheral data book. 0000 000 general call address 0000 xxx reserved 0001 xxx nothing 0010 xxx voice synth, teletext, PIP 0011 xxx PCM 0100 xxx high-current drvr, DAC, parallel port, tone generator 0101 xxx nothing 0110 xxx nothing 0111 xxx LCD, LED drvr 1000 xxx stereo audio, fader control, PAL/NTSC color, TV decoder 1001 xxx CTV, ADC+DAC 1010 xxx RAM, EEPROM 1011 xxx RAM (alternate addr for one device) 1100 xxx PLL, tuning ctrl 1101 xxx YUV/RGB interface 1110 xxx nothing 1111 xxx reserved Norm LeMieux MCHIP FAE/NW ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: IIC device types Author: mike@d-m-g.demon.co.uk (Mayes uk) at Internet_Exchange Date: 12/18/96 9:02 AM In message <2B703B60.1332@microchip.com> Norm.LeMieux@Microchip.COM (Norm LeMieux) writes: > Mike: > > You posted a query to the PICLIST regarding the list of device types > for IIC. Memory, generally, is 1010xxx. I have a big list as printed > in the Philips databooks that I could email to you, unless you've > already gotten a reply (I'm about 3wks behind). > Norm, I would appreciate you e-mailing the list. I only got pointers from the PICList, none of which were fruitful. Thanks for your help, Mike Watson