I am investigating the use of a PIC to perform some pre processing of data and provide async communications. To allow the processor more time to work on the data I am looking at using one of the chips with a USART built in. The 16c65 looks best for my other I/O requirements at this time. The USART looks easy to use and I can get the baud rate I need with BRGH=0. My problem is I need to be able to detect and transmit a break. That is (for those of us who are old enough to remember teletypes) a continuos spacing condition greater than the character frame time. My questions are. With the USART activated in async mode, can I still read the pins on port C? Can I latch the output PIN low while the USART is active to transmit a break? Does TRISC still effect the port when the USART is active? Since I am only using two bits of port C, Xmit & Rec., Can the other pins be used for general I/O when the USART is active? Merry Christmas Dennis Long