I'm working on some PIC devices and intend to use some I2C code to code up the slave routines. I found routines to let me use PC parallel port as master to test my slave devices but the references I found all use some sort of hardware on the PC port such as a 74LS05 to aid in the bidirectional I2C implimentation. Since some of the parallax products seem to use I2C to talk between the PC and the target system without any extra hardware at the PC end, I was wondering if anybody had any info on how to do this. The hardware is simple enough, I just was trying to avoid a trip to the city to get the parts for the I2C PC port interface. Thanks Larry ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Larry P. Thomas wa0gwa voice : 1 913 888-0282 Krell Technologies fax : 1 913 782-9359 8960 Bond pager : 1 816 989-HELP Overland Park, KS 66214-1764 e-mail : lpthomas@winning-edge.com www : http://www.krell.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------