Zhaahi (and everyone), Thanks for the pointer. The TI chips look like they have the power capacity I need. I followed your suggestion and found not only the TPIC6273 power shift register but also the TPIC6273 Power Octal D latch. They have similar capacities and the latter looks like it would meet my needs in my current design. However, your suggestion of using the shift register looks better only I'm afraid I'm not sure how to interface to it. Any chance you (anybody) could give me some pointers? I've got the data sheet but I'm not sure how to handle talking between my 16C84 and it. I think I can handle the SI but I'm not sure what to do to the G, RCK, SRCLR, SRCK inputs. If it's not already clear, please assume I'm a dummy when you provide any help . Thanks very much for the help. Scott