A few days ago someone asked about increasing the resolution of an A/D by dithering. Several excellent responses came, but I wonder if the original questioner got the bottom line of what it does. Dithering increases the resolution by a strictly mathematical procedure, and, as one responder answered, can extend any A/D's resolution to arbitrary lengths -- there are dozens of scientific papers describing the theory in detail, and all the detail has to do with making the extra resolution meaningful. All math is based upon assumptions, and this is no exception. The first assumption is that your A/D, whether 1 bit or 20, is really that accurate. If you resolve 30 bits, but they are all in error by 22 bits, you haven't really gained a lot. The PIC's A/D is specified to 8 bits, and when I asked a Microchip application engineer if I could dither it to 9 bits, he said their testing was actually to 1/2 LSB accuracy. 9 bits is unambiguously worthwhile. One of the responders gave a good explanation of using averaging to increase resolution; I'll only add that a trivial example shows what it's all about: (2+3)/2=2.5. We've gained a digit by averaging two readings of different value. This is why dithering is needed -- as one pointed out, the average of a single value, however many times taken, is exactly that value. Dithering guarantees different values on different readings. I have to disagree with one responder's statement that a triangle wave is optimum, though. This is true only if you know for sure that your sampling is not some fractional harmonic of the triangle. Random, zero-centered noise is a much more effective way to dither. Gaussian noise is ideal, but you have to be sure you don't find that your noise is dominated by, for example, fluorescent lamps, whose interference is neither Gaussian, nor even symmetric (the only thing that saves sine or triangle waves for consideration). Once your dithering has met the statistical requirements (zero-centered, larger than the base resolution, uncorrelated with your sampling), the only limitation on extending the resolution of your adc is the accuracy of its base resolution. Many people have built good, accurate, finely resolved data acquisition systems with an accurate reference, a single comparator, a noise diode, and an amplifier to get the dithering noise up to the right levels. It works great! :-) john perry jperry@norfolk.infi.net