I'd put a 10K resistor in series with each AD input. This limits the current into the input protection circuits to a safe value without seriously slowing down the the conversion. Be sure to follow Microchip's advice on trading measurement speed for source impedance. _____________________________________________ Lynn Richardson | lrich@qni.com \ Progress Instrument, Inc. | wa0znl.ampr.org | 807 NW Commerce Drive | [] | Lee's Summit, MO 64086 | | (816)524-4442 F:246-4556 | / --------------------------------------------- On Fri, 13 Dec 1996, Martin Larran wrote: > Hi people! > > Here is my problem: I4m using the 16C71 with the four A/D chanels to > measure magnetic field, temperature, etc. The supply is 5V and also the > ref. > for the A/D. As I use a symethrical(12,-12) PS for the Op. Amp. of the > sensors, > if something goes wrong with some sensor(like wire breaks), the Op.Amp > will > saturate blowing the A/D. So which is the best way to prevent this? > For now I4m using another Op. Amp.(Av=1) with single supply of 5V, to > cut > the "overvoltage" but I loose many mV. > Sure there is another simpler and more efficient way of doing it! > > Thanks a lot > > > > > Martin Larran >