In message <> PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU writes: > Does anyone know an internet location contain shareware (or freeware) > software to allow me to communicate to some I2C controlled PIC projects > using the PC's parallel port. What I'm needing is some sort of test > software to evercise the various building blocks individually. Would really > like source code in C of C++ but that might be asking too much. Got any > ideas ... thought as this group before I started writing what I needed myself. I've written code in Turbo Pascal to interface to I2C bus via the parallel port, I wouldn't say it's complete yet, but it does work and could be altered quite easily. I've only tested it with 24C02/04/08/16 EEPROM's and the PCF8583 clock chip, but it should work with any I2C slave chips OK. Since then I've seen mention of two programs from Philips, TV400.ZIP and RAD216.ZIP, that you can download from their FTP site - but I've never managed to find them anywhere :-(. Nigel. /--------------------------------------------------------------\ | Nigel Goodwin | Internet : | | Lower Pilsley | Web Page : | | Chesterfield | | | England | | \--------------------------------------------------------------/