At 02:06 PM 12/11/96 +0500, you wrote: >After a successful project with the '56, my next project is a little more >ambitious. I'm planning on using a '63 but have a few questions. > >1) The USART asynchronous mode "uses standard nonreturn to zero )NRZ) >format..." is this what RS-232 uses? Can I just hang a MAX232 off the >pins and get an RS-232 port? Yes > >2) What is this whole shebang about two banks of registers? If I need to >swap the two banks in and out, why do they have different addresses? I'm >confused. I mean, portc is at 07h and trisc is at 87h. They have unique >addresses, why is it necessary to switch banks? Can't they just be >addressed directly? > Well they can be addressed using thier full address INDIRECTLY. The PIC instruction format does not allow space for the full 8 bit (or longer) address of the RAM location. There are bits in the STATUS register that "complete" the address. I think all of the current PIC's only have two banks and only use RP0 but the architecture allows for RP1 to address two more banks. See the databook for more details. Norm