I was tried, but really, there wasn't any advantage in $$$ results. When the current tends to grow, the circuit (my circuits) seem to get too 'sensitive' to the external noises. So much I do to isolate it, so bad seems to use a capacitive source. The other way I get it workink was: Two capacitive sources, one for PIC, the other for devices (triac's, rele's). ---------- De: Mark A. Corio[SMTP:Mcorio@AOL.COM] Enviado: martes 10 de diciembre de 1996 20:45 Para: Multiple recipients of list PICLIST Asunto: Capacitive isolated power Hi again, One of my current PIC projects includes high voltage (+/-100V) supplies derived from 110VAC mains. Recently there was some discussion here about isolation vs non-isolation (I am 100% in favor of isolation for this application as it can not be totally insulated). There was discussion about using capacitive isolation instead of an isolation transformer. Has anyone done something like this for higher currents (>1 amp)?? I would appreciate any pointers or success/failure stories. Thanks. Mark A. Corio Rochester MicroSystems, Inc. 200 Buell Road, Suite 9 Rochester, NY 14624 Tel: (716) 328-5850 --- Fax: (716) 328-1144 http://www.frontiernet.net/~rmi/ ***** Designing Electronics For Research & Industry ***** ---------------------------- Thanks for all - Mil gracias ---------------------------- Eduardo Jorge Mart’nez VŽlez a Asesoria & & s Sistematizacion INET: ejmv@satlink.com 73070.3653@compuserve.com CServe: 73070,3653 2000-Rosario-SF-Argentina TelFax: (54)(41)254561 Tel: (54)(41)8804 ----------------------------