In message <>, grkricor@cc writes: >Dear PIC'ers > [Deleted stuff] >Because of time constraints, I'd rather buy than build one, but building is >still do-able. Perhaps it's nothing more than building a driver/buffer >stage between my Picstart and the application circuit? Does anyone out >there have any good pointers for in-cicuit programming? > >Many thanks, >... Gregg I'm currently developing a serial programmer. The following will be some of its features: * Still the power from the computer. (No damm adaptor needed). * Connects to the serial port. * Smallest desing posible. I'm trying to fit it into the D-sub case. * Modularity. Have the posibility of connecting a 5 pin cable or adaptors with ZIF sockets. * Production quality. Verify the PIC for all ranges of voltages (this is just a wish which probably won't be able to do, at least on the size that I want). * RS232 comm capabilities? I was planning on using a MAX232 chip to handle serial communications using pins B6 and B7 (since most of my applications use the computer for communications). This might be implemented in a module due to size constraints. * Free??? My design will probably be free. I will plan on selling the kits to put it together or just sell the board (this depends on whether there is enough interest to send it to a production place). Anyway, the desing should be complited by mid Jan or Feb. Let me know if you guys are interested since that would make me do it faster and also how many of you would like to purchase at least the board (so that I send it to a production place). Cheers, Alberto