First of all, I'm wondering if I can send e-mail via the listserver even though I have yet to subscribe. If I get any replies back, I guess the answer to this question will be self-evident. Okay. Down to the nitty-gritty of my question. I'm thinking of using the PIC16C84 for my first microcontroller project. Because it involves controller some specialty synthesizer chips (a Harris DSP and a Motorola PLL) that have either or both SPI or MicroWire interfaces, I'm wondering if I would be better off using other controller's that have SPI or MicroWire compatable outputs? Has anyone written any code for the 16c84 for SPI or MicroWire? If the 16C84 is suitable for this purpose, I'm right at the bottom of the learning curve. What is the best book for a raw beginner such as myself. The PIC FAQ makes mention of "A Beginners Guide to the Microchip PIC" By Nigel Gardner. Is this a good beginner's guide? Is there anyone in North America from whom I could purchase this tome? Any guidance would be appreciated. Replies can be sent to: or for those who like complicated addresses: merci a tous!