This is a very simple circuit. What I will do in the next few days is post a netlist of how I built my version of the circuit. For the original version, I would refer to the magazine, as this is the most current issue. The ftp site of the software is This ftp site is the property of the magazine, however when I logon they do not ask for passwords or if I am a subscriber. Therefore everyone should have access. The software contains a warning screen, stating that the software may only be posted on the Electronics Now BBS. There are no stated restrictions on the use of the software that I have seen. So, legally you must retrieve it from their site. --- Steve ---------- From: pic microcontroller discussion [SMTP:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU] Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 1996 3:55 PM To: Multiple recipients of list PIC Subject: Re: Printer Port Analyzer Results >>: >>: Conclusion: >>: >>: While the device has some warts on it. I can see this type of device >>: being useful to troubleshoot and debug interface issues like I2C buses, >>: SPI buses, LCD control interfaces, keyscans, etc. Though limited, it >>: only cost me two small ICs, a 7805, and a DB25 connector. >>: >>: ----- Steve >>: >Is it possible to public your design (and eventually the software, if the >magazine allows) in the net. It will benefit the people who do not live in >USA and either have no access to the magazine, or it would too expensive to >get. >Regards. >Movahedin >Munich, >Germany