>Morning/Evening everyone ! > >I have some periodical signal at pin (RC7 for example) >Signal is described by following electrical diagram: > > +----+ +------------+ +-------------+ +--- > | | T2 | | T4 | | T6 | >--+ T1 +-------+ T3 +----+ T5 +-------------+ > > | <--- F U L L S I G N A L P E R I O D ---> | > > >I.e. at T1, T3, T5 - signal are logical "high" and at T2, T4, T6 - >logical "low" >T1 .. T6 durations are equal the quantities of instruction cycles. >For example: T1=5 T2=7 T3=12 T4=3 T5=12 T6=15 You'll have to use a Stimulus File. For the example above, it would be: Step RC7 ! Define the Pins 1 0 ! Start Low 5 1 ! T1 7 0 ! T2 12 1 ! T3 . : - And So on It's pretty easy (if not pretty tedious - that's why I was asking for a graphical creation/checking tool). myke > >How can I define signals like above in MPLAB Debug -> Simulator -> ... >Please answer, if possible, with example how to do it. > > Today, the commercial sector is advancing computer and communication technology at a breakneck pace. In 1992, optical fiber was being installed within the continental U.S. at rates approaching the speed of sound (if computed as total miles of fiber divided by the number of seconds in the year). Aviation Week and Space Technology, October 28, 1996