At 04:10 AM 12/10/96 -0500, you wrote: >Dear PIC'ers > >As usual I have this problem ... I haven't seen anything written about >serial in-circuit programming of the 16LC84, aside from the little bit in >the data book on page 52. I hadn't paid much attention to it until >recently; that is, now that I know I have to use an SOIC package device in >the final product design. Snip... >Trouble is I can't find anything in my MPLAB or Picstart PLus manuals (or >the Microchip CD) about considerations for in-circuit programming: neither >how one should size the isolating resistors shown on page 52, nor the >availablilty of a commercial serial programmer. Is it one of those things >that's "left as an exercise for the reader", or is there a product already >available to do the job? > >Many thanks, >... Gregg > Gregg, It is starting to be a little dated now, but you can download the documentation for my PP1 programmer. It has a chapter on ISP and what I know about it back then. You may find the knowledge contained of value, then again you might not.... It is in the FTP section of my web grossly neglected web site at. Feel free to pick my brians (within reason) or even to buy one of my programmers (says me very squeamishly...) :-) Regards, Jim