Dear PIC'ers As usual I have this problem ... I haven't seen anything written about serial in-circuit programming of the 16LC84, aside from the little bit in the data book on page 52. I hadn't paid much attention to it until recently; that is, now that I know I have to use an SOIC package device in the final product design. I see in-circuit programming to be very advantageous, since it will allow us to load a routine for hardware verification during manufacturing test, and then re-program the 16LC84 with the operating code ... all without disturbing the hardware. Trouble is I can't find anything in my MPLAB or Picstart PLus manuals (or the Microchip CD) about considerations for in-circuit programming: neither how one should size the isolating resistors shown on page 52, nor the availablilty of a commercial serial programmer. Is it one of those things that's "left as an exercise for the reader", or is there a product already available to do the job? Because of time constraints, I'd rather buy than build one, but building is still do-able. Perhaps it's nothing more than building a driver/buffer stage between my Picstart and the application circuit? Does anyone out there have any good pointers for in-cicuit programming? Many thanks, ... Gregg