I've just finished a programmable, MIDI receiving, keypad scanning, 3 (seven segment) display switchbox. You can use the "up" or "down" key to select a preset (1 - 128), and "store" any of 8 different switches on or off. Each switch has its own button and LED to display the status. It's similar to the "Midi Octapus," but uses a PIC. My question is what is the proper amount of MONEY for a device such as this? Or any device? Being new not to engineering but to the business side of things I'm really in need some comments or thoughts. Do you charge by hour or project? Or importance? Any "rough figures" would be appreciated. -Hamilton -i've been working on my ascii art sig http://www.crl.com/~hamilton hamilton@crl.com \_\ _ __ o \ \_ _ _ __ _ \ __ _ __ \ \(_\\\\ \ \ \ \_\\ ) @ \__ \ \ . \__ \_\ \\\