At 10:54 AM 12/9/96 -0600, you wrote: > You must be careful subbing 74 series parts here for CMOS. This device >is powered >by stealing power from the Printer Port by using data output lines to >charge a cap. Therefore VCC will never be a true 5 volts. Depending on >the PC, this stolen VCC will always be less than >5 volts, it could fall as low as 3 volts on some PCs. That is the reason >the author/designer >chose to use CMOS devices, because they can function on this lower >voltage. 74HC parts require a good solid 5 volts. I haven't checked my data book yet, but I thought the 74HC parts were CMOS and could handle the lower Vcc. The other 74 series may be a problem (i.e Plain, LS, etc.). I plan to add a power supply for the 5VDC anyway. I'm not a big fan of stealing power from the port. Norm