When I construct the device, I am planning to build the device thru-hole. In addition, I am not a fan of stealing power from the printer port. I am going to include a 5 volt power source. 1.I do not have the 40106 schmitt trigger inverter, however I have lots of the 74HC14 which I plan to sub. 2. I do not have the 5.0688 MHZ crystal, but I do have 4 and 6 MHZ resonators. I am going to sub one of these and change the frequency divider tap. 3. I amazingly enough found a 4060 in my parts supply. Because an extra inverter is available in the 74HC14, I think I could make this inverter drive the crystal. Then the 4040 or 4020 could be subbed for the 4060. For readers who have not seen the article, the crystal and divider are used to produce a timebase for calibration only. The article claims that this timebase is 4950 HZ. However my analysis of the circuit is that timebase is 500 KHZ, (crystal frequency divided by 10.) My plan is to use different crystal, but change the divide ratio to maintain 500 KHZ. The ftp site of the software is ftp://ftp.gernsback.com/pub/EN/logprobe.zip The status of this software is unclear. An upgrade is available for $15, yet it is not labled shareware or eval. The software prohibits copying the software to other BBS than Electronics Now. ---- Steve