I received an application ideas book called "Dream Machine Reference Book" from Phillips. In it they talk about a method of using dithering to effectively get 12bit resolution out of an 8bit A/D. It consist of using PWM configured as a DAC to feed a triangular 100mV waveformthat is AC coupled, back to the original input. The input is then oversampled and by averaging the number of readings and the combined dither/input voltage, the technique achieves an effective 12-bit resolution. Don't ask me how it works, I just wrote down what I read in the description. It sounds like something which could be very usefull when using devices like the PIC16C74. However, I can not quite understand how the teqhnique actually works. Does it make any more sense to anyone else out there? Regards -- Werner Terreblanche wterreb@plessey.co.za (work) OR werner@aztec.co.za (home) Plessey SA, PO Box 30451, Tokai 7966, Cape Town, South Africa Check out my Variometer Kit on: http://www.aztec.co.za/users/werner/variokit.htm -------------------------------------------------------------