Neil, As far as I can tell, there is no such thing as a PIC16C74 any more, it is being subbed with the PIC16C74A. I have used them and they seem to work just fine, but I am using a Needham's EMP-20 programmer. Perhaps you should look for a software upgrade for your programmer. Cheers, Bob >Microchip just sent me 2 samples of a windowsed version of the PIC16C74. >I requested the 16C74 yet they sent 16C74A which have the Brown-out >detector circuit on-chip. I am currently using a PIC-1A programmer from ITU. >These new PICs seem to program properely. Upon verification by the >ITU software, the code verrifies to be correct. But when placing >them in circuit, they simply do not work at all. They seem to be >stuck in a permanent reset mode. Even disabling the watchdog timer >doesn't help. I did note that the configuration word of these two PICS >are different. I did take this into consideration. I made sure to keep the >Brown-out reset module disabled. I also did trials experimenting with PWRTE >either enabled or disabled. I made sure I was writing the proper configuration >word, by checking the actual hex word, before the itu software writes >the configuration. Still no luck. > >Neil Gandler > >