Microchip just sent me 2 samples of a windowsed version of the PIC16C74. I requested the 16C74 yet they sent 16C74A which have the Brown-out detector circuit on-chip. I am currently using a PIC-1A programmer from ITU. These new PICs seem to program properely. Upon verification by the ITU software, the code verrifies to be correct. But when placing them in circuit, they simply do not work at all. They seem to be stuck in a permanent reset mode. Even disabling the watchdog timer doesn't help. I did note that the configuration word of these two PICS are different. I did take this into consideration. I made sure to keep the Brown-out reset module disabled. I also did trials experimenting with PWRTE either enabled or disabled. I made sure I was writing the proper configuration word, by checking the actual hex word, before the itu software writes the configuration. Still no luck. Neil Gandler