At 10:54 AM 12/5/96 -0500, you wrote: > Here is what I found happening: I tried using __config to select my > osc mode, set the microcontroller mode, and turn off the watchdog > timer: > __config ( _MC_MODE & _XT_OSC & _WDT_OFF) > > Upon examination of the hex file ONLY the osc bit was being written. > Since my chip is a 17c43, what I saw was a single write to FE00 in the > hex file. This is only ONE of the seven config locations. So I just > added the required write operation to my initialization routine. > > -Brian- > > Brian, What you are saying still does not add up correctly. All the fuse bits are written out to the HEX file at ONE address only. In your hex file you should see this on the second last line: :02FC0000E2FF21 All your options are embeded in that line. It is up to the programmer to expand the individual bits into the correct config addresses to write. What programmer are you using? Something doesn't seem right somewhere. Also, for Joe, A couple of thoughts regarding your 14000 problem. I don't know how the picstart + supports the calibration for this part so I'm just making educated guesses here. Part of the calibration for the 14000 consists of 2 bits in the config word, bits 1 and 6 if I remember correctly. This means that the actual config word programmed is a combination of TWO different config words. The one from your source and the other from the saved calibration file for that part. Maybe you should have a look at the calibration files to see how the config word is stored. _MAYBE_ there is a conflict. Of course, it all comes down to how the software "merges" the two sources. This I don't know. On the other hand maybe you just have a problem with your PICSTART +. With the unerasable code protection, this is a real problem. One way to troubleshoot the problem would be to wire up an adaptor and use a 16c74 or 16C65 (not "A") to simulate the 14000. You won't harm these devices if you accidently program the code protection. You may need to ignore bits 7-13 but what is useable might be enough. Anyway, I think you should be talking to microchip directly. Jim -------------------------------------------------------- Jim Robertson NEWFOUND ELECTRONICS Email: PHOENIX Shareware Picstart 16B upgrade coming. For more details, send email to with "subscribe phoenix mail list" in the BODY of the message. --------------------------------------------------------