1) That's not a dumb question - you can have lots of fun with mains failure when you bring the neutral close to the "ground". 2) Provided your circuit operates from the live and neutral ONLY, you may attach the neutral to the 0V (ground) - unless of course some dumb idiot wire the power to you with the live and neutral swapped - do first check that. 3) Use an isolating 1:1 transformer - but if you do this you might as well use the supply transformer (if you have one). 4) I once got my 50Hz timing info by wrapping a wire around a fluorescent light and taking the SINGLE wire into the PIC. I made a digital (wall) watch that hasn't lost a 1/50th of second in 5 years. PS. To see how little current you need to switch a PIC input, take a window device, run a program that waits in a loop for a pin to go high, then low, before toggling another pin and see how the period varies as you vary the amount of light let in through the window. Hope this helps. Jan van der Watt [I went to ACTIVE-WORLDS and virtually stayed there]