Chuck, The bit that is blown in my PIC14000 is CPP1 which is described as 'Program space read/write protected'. So, no way to blindly reprogram the chip. Interesting to note that other manufacturers do allow blind reprogramming. But, they also have enough sense to make their code protection bits UV eraseable. (ie. Dallas Semi.) Joe ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: Clarification - one dangerous typo and ? about __config Author: pic microcontroller discussion list at SMTP Date: 12/5/96 11:46 AM So given that the CP bit protects "readout" of a part, it should be possible to still erase and program the part, just not verify it. If that is true, would it be possible for some of the programming packages to have an option to "Program without verify" or is that already available? --Chuck